Xplore! Science Discovery Centre

Xplore! Science Discovery Centre

Cefnogwch ein hachos!

£520.00 o £1,300.00 targed

20 tocyn

20 tocyn o 50 gôl tocyn

Prynu tocynnau

Am ein hachos

Xplore! Science Discovery Centre is an educational charity run by a team of passionate people who want the very best for the people of Wrexham.

Our vision is to bring science to life to all people, regardless of age, ability or background.

It costs £565,000 to run the science centre and every single penny is re-invested back into the charity to create a stimulating, creative and interactive space for families, community groups and school visits.

Our science workshops provide a wonderful out-of-the-classroom learning experience, nurturing childrens natural curiousity that feeds the next generation of scientists and engineers.

Today we need your help to make our centre as accessible as possible to everyone.  Our toilet facility needs an urgent upgrade to make it a fully equipped Changing Places facility.

Rest assured that any funds we receive from you today will be put towards that upgrade.  

Thank you so much for choosing to support Xplore!

Gwobrau'r raffl nesaf

jacpot o £25,000

Y raffl nesaf

4d 10h 52m

Sad 26 Hydref 2024

Tynnu canlyniadau

Jacpot £25,000

3 3 9 4 7 4
  • Enillydd! Ms S (WREXHAM) Enillodd £25.00!
  • Enillydd! Mr M (WREXHAM) Enillodd 3 tocyn ychwanegol!
  • Enillydd! Ms W (WREXHAM) Enillodd 3 tocyn ychwanegol!
  • Enillydd! Mx L (WREXHAM) Enillodd 3 tocyn ychwanegol!
  • Enillydd! Mr P (WREXHAM) Enillodd 3 tocyn ychwanegol!
  • Enillydd! Mr F (MACHYNLLETH) Enillodd 3 tocyn ychwanegol!
  • Enillydd! Ms R (WREXHAM) Enillodd 3 tocyn ychwanegol!
  • Enillydd! Ms P (ELLESMERE) Enillodd 3 tocyn ychwanegol!
Sad 19 Hyd 2024

Sut mae'r loteri yn gweithio

£1 y tocyn

Mae hynny'n iawn, yn wahanol i lawer o loterïau eraill, dim ond £1 yr wythnos yw ein tocynnau loteri.

Helpwch ni i wneud mwy

Am bob tocyn rydych chi'n ei chwarae mae 80.0% yn mynd at achosion da a gwobrau.

Darganfod mwy.

Gwobr jacpot o £25,000

Cydweddwch bob un o'r 6 rhif ac rydych chi'n ennill y JACKPOT!

Enillwch iPhone 16 Pro!

Byddwch yn derbyn un mynediad i'r raffl hon am bob tocyn wythnosol sydd gennych. Prynwch fwy o docynnau ar gyfer mwy o geisiadau

Prynu tocynnau

Eisiau ennill £200 ychwanegol?

Sgoriwch gyfle ychwanegol i ennill cerdyn anrheg Amazon gwerth £200 y mis hwn a helpu achos da.

Cyfeirio ffrind